Four Line: Transforming Park Avenue into a Next-Generation Public Space

Introducing a Pedestrian and Automobile-Friendly Design

The project motives the historic Fourth Avenue and rail line underneath the street. Merging the two, Four Line introduces a new way of accessing and interacting public space. The view corridor through installed canopy modules is extendable and create diverse theme along the median. Not just acting as an open space with an array of trees and grass but also integrating innovative technology enlivens Park Avenue as a place where people want to go, stay, and depart.

Park Avenue has been one of the most essential and historical avenues of New York City network providing extensive transit and public transportation. To remember the site’s historical identity and amplify the potential of future growth on the avenue, Four Line will become the first pedestrian and automobile-friendly public realm that introduces past, present, and future of Park Avenue. Four Line is applicable to any medians and could be extended moreover along the Park Avenue. With dimension and material adjustments based on location, the project can be applied to any other places around the world. The project highlights historical assets of Park Ave, envisions the futuristic movement of New York City, and enhances current streetscape regulation into a better place.

Main proposed materials for this project includes a canopy module that is structured by a steel structure, glass panels, and LED panels. For one module as an example, there are minimum 6 LED panels up to maximum 24 panels and total 650ft of metal framing. Double guardrails protect the site with each 200ft width.

Four Line will stand out as an innovative and leading public space serving diverse amenities and communities. All users regardless of age, sex, job, income, etc, will benefit from the renovated public space that will bring new outdoor experience and global-wide interaction. Park Avenue’s reputation will enhance into a world-class attraction where the median will transform into a location with resourceful purpose and function.

The Site is located on the medians of Park Avenue boulevard in New York City. This project was proposed in February 2018.

Four Line is a public space where users rest and enjoy the environment, and also experience innovative technology through digital interaction at all times. The site serves as a place that allows users establish as a destination, stopover, and starting point in order to assist their desired achievements. Majority of outdoor public spaces these days are only known as a destination to rest and walk on an open area with an array of trees and plants. Four Line not only fulfills an existing definition of public space but also unveils what can be done more than just a void region. Time is constantly moving forward and society is more accessible to information than ever. A place like Park Avenue where a tremendous amount of people engage but circumvent should not run after today but stay ahead of today so that the Avenue provides relief and knowledge simultaneously.

Due to the dimension of the median, the project itself has size limitation which also should consider its surrounding traffic and regulations such as maximum height, weight, and zoning codes. In order to apply the design, generous amount of structure and panels were used in order to maximize the efficiency of space (corridor) and module production. One of the main assets of this project is to give a unique experience to users and promote Four Line as a special public realm to New York City.

Four Line is a next-generation civil space that embeds pedestrian and automobile-friendly design by introducing past, present, and future of Park Avenue. Distinct from typical open space, the project provides a variety of activities where users can not only experience greenery and resting environment but also engage with futuristic technology to be part of a global network. As access to information is easier than ever, Four Line will supplement New York City's communal realm and promote adjacent neighborhood into a forward-thinking community.

Image Credits: Jun Seong Ahn, Main Image, 2018.

Video Credits: Jun Seong Ahn, Diagram, 2016.

Intellectual Property Notice: Copyrights belong to Jun Seong Ahn, 2018.

Awards and Accolades: This Design was awarded Bronze in A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2018. Bronze A' Design Award: Bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jun Seong Ahn
Image Credits: Image #1: Jun Seong Ahn, Main Image, 2018. Image #2: Jun Seong Ahn, Perspective 1, 2018. Image #3: Jun Seong Ahn, Perspective 2, 2018. Image #4: Jun Seong Ahn, Perspective 3, 2018. Image #5: Jun Seong Ahn, Aerial Plan, 2018. Video Credits: Jun Seong Ahn, Diagram, 2016.
Project Team Members: Jun Seong Ahn
Project Name: Four Line
Project Client: Jun Seong Ahn

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